Friday, 9 December 2011

Batman 3: The Dark Knight Rises Wallpapers,Images, PicsBatman 3: The Dark Knight Rises Wallpapers,backgrounds,Images, Pics & release date

Batman 3: The Dark Knight Rises Wallpapers,Images, Pics
Stills,Bat-Man story,plot,christian bale as Batman, Actress,Cast, Release date

    Related Article: Catwoman in Batman 3 Pics  
who is catwoman in batman 3 dark night rises
In Christopher Nolan’s third Batman film ' The Dark Knight Rises',Anne Hathaway will be playing catwoman  / Selina Kyle. Catwoman's character will be introduced for the first time in Batman Series & one of the famous characters In Batman's Comix. Its the last movie of the Batman series & it can be an end of the Batman.

Bane Vs Batman

In this movie,we are going to see the  Bane:  a new villain in Gotham City. Bane will be played by Tom Hardy. Film is to be released in July 2012 and as per the Film Guru's, it will be the biggest hit of 2012.

who is catwoman in batman 3 dark night rises

 Batman 3: Starring christian bale as Batman Wallpapers, backgrounds

Directed by Christpher Nolan staring Christian Bale, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Gary Oldman. 
Batman vs Catwoman
Release date:
Batman 2 will be released in 20th July 2012.
Batman three Pics & backgrounds

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