Saturday, 27 August 2011

Bear Grylls : Man vs Wild Photos& His Knife, Wife & family

Bear Grylls: Man vs Wild Photos& His Wife
Article about knife Is Bear grylls dead,Wiki and His wife and son, Family

Bear Grylls aka Edward Michael "Bear" Grylls was born 7 June 1974 in United Kingdom. Best known for his television serial Man Vs Wild on Discovery channel is married to Shara Grylls & they have3 kids. He is the youngest Briton to summit mount Everest at the age of 23 and entered in Guinness Book of World records

Bear Grylls & Shara Grylls

Real Name: Edward Michael Grylls
Born: 7 June 1974 (1974-06-07)
Wife: Shara Cannings Knight
 Has been part of British Army and was selected for UK Special Forces.
he is Guiness Record Holder
entered the Guinness Book of Records, as the youngest Briton, at 23, to summit Mount Everest

Bear eating Rotten zebra ..eeveww

 Bear on Oprah Winfrey show

1 comment:

  1. Bear Grrrryyyllllllls out in the wilddddd MMMMM GRUBS LOL
