Monday, 20 June 2011

How did i save a little bird - How can you save a fallen bird

How did i save a little bird - How can you save a fallen bird

A bird that I found under a tree. Was almost dead by the time I picked it up, the ants had started feeding of of it

How can you save a bird?
If the bird is sick or injured, call a wildlife rehabilitator. If you can't get in touch with one, there are some things you can do to help in the meantime. First, get some gloves. They are more for your protection than the bird's. The bird could scratch or peck you or could have parasites or germs that you just don't want. Then get a lightweight cloth to put over the bird. Next, pick it up.

Put it on a soft cloth in a box or paper bag. Make sure the box or bag has air holes. Keep the baby warm, if necessary, by filling a plastic bag or container with hot/warm water, wrapping it with a cloth and putting it next to the bird. Close the lid of the box or top of the bag and wait to hear from the wildlife rehabilitator.

While you're waiting, make sure you remember where you found the bird so the rehabilitator will know where it should be released. Also, don't handle the baby or give it food or water. He may be awfully cute and pathetic looking but leave him alone as much as possible. And definitely keep him away from kids and pets

5 days ...its alive and well

Ready to Fly  :-)

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